Welcome to ESU Scholar!

An Independent Research Website by the Committee on Excellence in Teaching and Learning of the East Stroudsburg University

ESU Scholar introduces the ESU faculty to relevant publics, potential students, local and regional community and serves as an easily accessible and searchable database for the scholarship done at ESU. ESU Scholar will feature faculty with on-going, published and academically presented research via video clips, audiocasts, and text.



New scholar talks are added on February, 4, 2016: Dr. Huffman of Biological Sciences and Dr. Eliasson of Political Science.



New scholar talks are added on May 19, 2015: Dr. Gasper of Nursing and on February, 4, 2016: Dr. Hunt of Biological Sciences.


Heon Kim

New talk videos by Dr. Brooks of History, and Dr. Kim of Philosophy and Religious Studies are added on May 19, 2015, and February 22, 2015 respectively.

Fred Misurella

Paul Lippert

ESU Scholar was officially launched on January 21, 2015. Our first two videos feature two senior faculty: Dr. Lippert of Communication Studies and Dr. Misurella of English.

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